Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stakeholder of the Process Data Warehouse

The main stakeholder of a PDW is the business analyst as for data warehouses in general. As the main data consumer, he needs at any time a consistent view on the data. His main concerns are the accessibility, contextual and representational data quality categories.

category --> dimensions
accessibility --> ease of use, secruity
representational --> interpretability, ease of understanding, representational concistency
contextual --> value-added, relevancy, timeliness, completness, amount of data

On focusing towards business process design, enactement and analyses the business analyst can take three different perspectives.

The strategic perspective covering questions like
Do we need to introduce new processes?
Do we should change or introduce new policies?
Hereby the business analyst needs a very large amount of historical data to identify short coming and uncovered processes in the organisation.

Secondly, the tactical perpective which mainly deals with process improvement.

And last, the operational perspective is from a very high interest. This is caused by the increasing need of real-time responisive needs in todays market. It's becoming a heavy business factor to react in a blink of an eye to changes in the market.
Therefore the business analyst needs to stay informed. So he needs real-time alerts on failed or stocked process instances. On violation of compliance rules and on abnormalities during the execution he needs to be informed immediately. Furthermore the PDW should itself according to a rules catalogue react on changes. To take the correct action the business analyst needs as much context as possible. Therefore the PDW should offer any related business data to the failing instance, the complete history and informations to related process instances.

Stakeholder Perception of Data Quality in a Data Warehouse Enviroment, Giannoaccaro

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