Sunday, May 29, 2011

Source systems for a Process Data Warehouse

For designing a process data warehouse one has to know the enterprise enviroments in which such a warehouse should get deployed.

Hereby one can indentify various source systems used and offered by enterprises.

First of all an in the special focus of a PDW there a workflow engines. Workflow engines execute processes and generate so called audit trail log. An audit trail log contains every events thrown during the execution of a process. The information depth of these logs can differ from engine to engine. One tried to identify a common standard (see Fig 9), which should enable the PDW to reduce / enrich proprietary format to a unified format.

As shown in the schema one has to link the events to business data. These data can be hold in different systems.
Firstly, business process management systems, BPMSs are the storage for the process definitions, for target values (KPI) and compliance rules. Secondly, there are ERP system which organize organisational and staff-related informations.
Thirdly, there are strategic information resources, which store informations about the overall business performance for example as balanced scorecards, key perfomance drivers and indicator.
And finally there are lots of other data sources available mostly unstructured, for example marketing, advertising and customer survey informations.

In addition, one has to think about the integration with yet deployed data warehouse solutions to get an nearly complete overview towards the organization.


Data Warehouse Model  for Audit Trail Analysis in Workflows; Kin-Chan Pau, Yain-Whar Si  Marlon Dumas
Measuring knowledge with workflow management systems, List, Schiefer, Bruckner

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